Psychology & Psychiatry

Only 2% of conversations end when we want them to

Everyone's familiar with the sensation of being trapped in a conversation for too long—be that over the garden fence or by the office water cooler. On the other end of the spectrum, we've also experienced conversations ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can the brain resist the group opinion?

Scientists at HSE University have learned that disagreeing with the opinion of other people leaves a 'trace' in brain activity, which allows the brain to later adjust its opinion in favor of the majority-held point of view. ...


How the brain creates the experience of time

On some days, time flies by, while on others it seems to drag on. A new study from JNeurosci reveals why: time-sensitive neurons get worn out and skew our perceptions of time.


People with atrial fibrillation live longer with exercise

Exercise physiologist Lars Elnan Garnvik and his colleagues in the Cardiac Exercise Research Group (CERG) have investigated how physical activity and good fitness levels are linked to future health risks for men and women ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Strong relationships promote physical activity in older adults

Relationships are key to influencing positive health behaviors and should not be forgotten during social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Strong relationships can help adults stay active in older age, according to ...

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