
Change in brain cells linked to opiate addiction, narcolepsy

Two discoveries—one in the brains of people with heroin addiction and the other in the brains of sleepy mice—shed light on chemical messengers in the brain that regulate sleep and addiction, UCLA researchers say.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Where the brain processes spiritual experiences

Yale scientists have identified a possible neurobiological home for the spiritual experience—the sense of connection to something greater than oneself.


Researchers identify protein involved in cocaine addiction

Mount Sinai researchers have identified a protein produced by the immune system—granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF)—that could be responsible for the development of cocaine addiction.


Discovery could lead to new treatment for anxiety, addiction

New research provides fresh insight into how the brain processes reward and punishment, opening new avenues for developing treatment of conditions ranging from anxiety to addictive behaviors such as drug abuse.

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