
Video app eases methadone dose-confirmation burden

When methadone is given to people who want to break their opioid addiction, federal law requires those patients to initially consume their daily dose in view of opioid treatment program staff. This requirement exists in part ...


Home sensors can detect opioid withdrawal signs at night

Some smart home technology could help curb opioid overdose. A Washington State University pilot study showed that a set of noninvasive home sensors could provide accurate information about overnight restlessness and sleep ...


How an addicted brain works

Addiction is now understood to be a brain disease. Whether it's alcohol, prescription pain pills, nicotine, gambling, or something else, overcoming an addiction isn't as simple as just stopping or exercising greater control ...


Teenagers more likely to vape if their parents smoke

Teenagers whose parents are smokers are 55% more likely to try e-cigarettes, according to research presented at the European Respiratory Society International Congress in Barcelona, Spain. In a large study of Irish teenagers, ...

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