Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

In isolation, worries and stress are magnified

The coronavirus quarantine means different things to different people: A necessary inconvenience. A fusion of work and home life. A leap into social media, or virtual meetings once held face-to-face. For some, it's possible ...

Medical research

What opioid use in rats can tell us about addiction in humans

In 2018, more than 47,000 Americans died from an opioid overdose, and ten million misused prescription opioids. The highly addictive drugs have destroyed lives and families, regardless of income level, race, age, or gender.


Device helps deliver electronic cigarette vapors for research

The increased use of electronic cigarettes and vaping products has increased the need to better understand how and if addiction to these products is different than in traditional cigarettes. One way to objectively measure ...


On the path toward non-addictive painkillers

Opioid-containing painkillers are virtually indispensable in clinical practice and are typically used in postoperative patients and patients undergoing cancer treatment. In addition to having severe side effects, however, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Video: Can you be addicted to being in love?

Being in love. It can take the shape of a long-term intimate partnership, or become an obsessive source of emotional excitement and distraction. When does being in love become similar to addiction, and can you be addicted ...

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