Psychology & Psychiatry

Internet has put a spotlight on sex addiction

Each week in his Bellevue counseling office, Bill Lennon sees 13 groups of eight men, all seeking help for compulsive sexual behavior. Such behavior can range from obsessively viewing pornography to answering Craigslist ads ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Scientists show brain's own opioids involved in musical pleasure

The same brain-chemical system that mediates feelings of pleasure from sex, recreational drugs, and food is also critical to experiencing musical pleasure, according to a study by McGill University researchers published today ...


E-cigarettes connected to problematic drinking, study finds

Using e-cigarettes is related to problematic drinking, according to new research published in Addictive Behaviors. In a study involving around 1400 people, researchers also found that more women than men use e-cigarettes ...


Jealousy in a romantic relationship can lead to alcohol problems

People who depend on their relationship to make them feel good about themselves are more likely to drown their sorrows if they believe their partner is cheating, suggests new research. The study, published in Addictive Behaviors, ...

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