
Prescription drug price battles show no sign of letting up

The decision this week by experts at the Food and Drug Administration to endorse a pair of medicines aimed at combating heart disease brought on the latest round of hand-wringing over prescription drug costs.

Medical economics

FDA will begin to regulate thousands of lab tests

Faced with growing reports of inaccurate clinical lab tests, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday announced that it will for the first time regulate these vital diagnostic tools.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Alzheimer's and aducanumab: Unjust profits and false hopes

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's controversial decision to approve aducanumab for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease raises at least three major ethical issues that need to be addressed, states a new article in the ...


Are 'natural' skin products irritating your skin?

Sensitive skin is a pain—sometimes literally—and for skin allergy sufferers, contact with an allergen causes an itchy red rash that may last for weeks. Common skin care products such as soaps, serums and lotions (often ...


Denmark to scrap world's first fat tax

Denmark said Saturday it would scrap a fat tax it introduced a little over a year ago in a world first, saying the measure was costly and failed to change Danes' eating habits.

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