Psychology & Psychiatry

Adolescents have a fundamental need to contribute

No longer children but not yet adults, adolescents need opportunities to learn and prepare for their entrance into the broader society. But, as schooling increasingly extends the adolescent period and teenagers get dismissed ...


Moderate iPad use won't keep teens up at night

(Medical Xpress)—Teenagers who use an iPad for an hour before bed are still likely to get a good night's sleep, new research from Flinders University shows.


Does being a bookworm boost your brainpower in old age?

New research suggests that reading books, writing and participating in brain-stimulating activities at any age may preserve memory. The study is published in the July 3, 2013, online issue of Neurology, the medical journal ...


The scientific side of steroid use and abuse

Leslie Henderson investigates the cellular basis for behavioral changes seen with the abuse of anabolic androgenic steroids. In her laboratory work, Henderson has looked at three major behavioral systems typically associated ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain development provides insights into adolescent depression

(Medical Xpress)—A new study led by the University of Melbourne and Orygen Youth Health Research Centre is the first to discover that the brain develops differently in adolescents who experience depression. These brain ...


How junk food shapes the developing teenage brain

Obesity is increasing worldwide, especially among children and teenagers. More than 150 million children in the world are obese in 2019. These children have increased risk of heart disease, cancers and Type 2 diabetes.

Medical research

A virus could manipulate neurons to reduce the desire to drink

About 17 million adults and more than 850,000 adolescents had some problems with alcohol in the United States in 2012. Long-term alcohol misuse could harm your liver, stomach, cardiovascular system and bones, as well as your ...

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