
A young neurologist explores the mysteries of the teenage brain

Mexican doctoral student Lucia Magis Weinberg at the University College London (UCL) researches how the brain develops during adolescence. In this stage of life, the brain undergoes important development and brain maturation ...


New insights into the adolescent brain

The inner workings of the teenage brain are now slightly less mysterious, thanks to a research team led by University of Delaware engineers.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Concern over claims about how technology affects young brains

Claims by Susan Greenfield, a senior research fellow at Lincoln College Oxford, that intense use of the internet and computer games can harm the adolescent brain are not backed by current scientific evidence, warn experts ...


The adolescent brain learns more easily

The brains of adolescents react more responsively to receiving rewards. This can lead to risky behaviour, but, according to Leiden University research, it also has a positive function: it makes learning easier. Publication ...


A lack of self control during adolescence is not uniquely human

Impulsiveness in adolescence isn't just a phase, it's biology. And despite all the social factors that define our teen years, the human brain and the brains of other primates go through very similar changes, particularly ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Ability to remember memories' origin not fully developed in youths

During childhood and adolescence, children develop the ability to remember not only past events but the origin of those memories. For example, someone may remember meeting a particular person and the context in which he or ...

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