Psychology & Psychiatry

Diverging trends: Binge drinking and depression

Binge drinking among U.S. adolescents precipitously declined from 1991 to 2018, according to a new study at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. Depressive symptoms among U.S. adolescents have sharply increased ...


Decline in ideal heart health begins early for teen girls

Heart health deteriorates as early as adolescence, with black girls experiencing greater rates of decline than white girls, according to preliminary research to be presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Nothing clinically 'wrong' with obsessive gamers, new study finds

Research by Oxford University, carried out in partnership with Cardiff University, and published today in Clinical Psychological Science, has found little evidence to suggest an unhealthy passion for gaming amongst adolescents, ...


When is a child an adult?

When does childhood end? That's the question international researchers are asking as they chart age cut-offs for paediatric services around the world.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Increasing number of adolescents receive depression diagnosis

The proportion of young people in Finland diagnosed with depression in specialised services is increasing, showed a study based on an extensive set of national data. An increasing number of adolescents seek and get help, ...


Sex education: Why school and parents should work together

There is an ongoing debate in society about sex education. Now a study funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation suggests that the best approach is a combination of parents and school. And that using friends and the ...

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