Overweight & Obesity

Am I fat? Many of today's adolescents don't think so

Admitting that you have a weight problem may be the first step in taking action, but a new study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that an increasing number of overweight adolescents do not consider ...


One in five male adolescents suffers from high blood pressure

Unhealthy levels of hypertension are increasing globally, especially during puberty, with boys affected three to four times more frequently than girls: Around 20% of male adolescents have elevated blood pressure. The main ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Keep an eye out for eating disorders in loved ones

(HealthDay)—Millions of Americans have eating disorders, but it can be difficult for family and friends to detect these problems in loved ones, a doctor warns.

Overweight & Obesity

Childhood obesity persists into adolescence

(HealthDay)—Greater weight gain in early childhood often carries over to overweight and obesity in adolescence, according to a study published in the Oct. 4 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

Overweight & Obesity

Does weight loss surgery harm adolescents' bones?

Sleeve gastrectomy (SG), where about 80% of the stomach is removed, is effective for treating obesity and its complications, but it has been associated with bone loss in adolescents. In a prospective study published in the ...

Overweight & Obesity

Pre-pregnancy obesity increases odds of having overweight children

A new Kaiser Permanente study, published in Pediatric Obesity, found that pre-pregnancy obesity and excessive weight gain during pregnancy was associated with an increased risk of the child becoming overweight at age 2. The ...

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