Psychology & Psychiatry

Men may have natural aversion to adultery with friends' wives

After outgrowing teenage infatuations with the girl next door, adult males seem to be biologically designed to avoid amorous attractions to the wife next door, according to a University of Missouri study that found adult ...


Sexually transmitted HIV: Key mechanisms elucidated in men

Having suggested in 2011 that the urethra is a novel entry site for HIV, a team from the Institut Cochin (CNRS/Inserm/Université Paris Descartes, with the support of Anrs), has now confirmed this hypothesis and identified ...


Study documents high incidence of Pica in Madagascar

(Medical Xpress)—Pica—craving and intentionally consuming nonfood substances, such as earth—and amylophagy, eating raw starches—are widespread among people around the world, including the U.S. Some 180 species of ...

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