
The ticking time-bomb of diabetes

University of Adelaide researchers have warned that too many people are either unknowingly living with diabetes, at significant risk of developing the life-threatening condition, or simply ignoring the obvious warning signs—and ...


Low fitness linked to higher psoriasis risk later in life

In a major register-based study, scientists at University of Gothenburg, Sweden, have now demonstrated a connection between inferior physical fitness in young adults and elevated risk of the autoimmune disease psoriasis. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Did you see that? How could you miss it?

You may have received CPR training some time ago, but would you remember the proper technique in an emergency? Would you know what to do in the event of an earthquake or a fire? A new UCLA psychology study shows that people ...

Attention deficit disorders

ADHD medication saves lives on the road

New research from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden shows that medication used to treat ADHD in adult men can save lives on the road. According to a large registry study, which is now being published in the scientific journal ...

Overweight & Obesity

Don't blame food stamps for obesity in America

Politicians and scholars sometimes cast obesity as a problem that largely afflicts the poor. But as most obese adults aren't poor and most low-income adults aren't obese, this is a misconception.

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