
How stores use TikTok to sell e-cigarettes to children

A new paper in Nicotine and Tobacco Research shows that advertising and sales of vaping products is common on TikTok, the video sharing platform popular among teenagers. Users pushing these items often use hashtags like #puffbundles ...


What factors predict when older adults will stop driving?

What factors lead older adults to stop driving? A new study followed older adults who had no memory or thinking problems to examine this question. The study is published in the May 22 online issue of Neurology.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Low stress resilience is linked to increased risk of psoriasis

Young adults who find it harder to cope with stress are more likely to develop psoriasis later in life. Low stress resilience when enlisting for military service involves a 31% higher risk of developing psoriasis compared ...

Medical economics

New analysis addresses homelessness in older people

Homelessness doesn't only happen to young people but also affects older adults in growing numbers, write authors in an analysis in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) that describes this emerging crisis.

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