Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Kidney failure patients' advance directives are often inadequate

In a recent study, nearly half of kidney failure patients receiving dialysis had advance directives outlining their preferences related to end-of-life care, but only a very small minority of these directives addressed the ...


Medicare's end-of-life counseling policy may find acceptance

Six years ago, a proposal for Medicare to cover end-of-life counseling touched off a political uproar that threatened to stall President Barack Obama's health care law in Congress. Wednesday, when Medicare finally announced ...


Never too early to consider end-of-life wishes

Most cases of disagreements over patients' wishes for end-of-life care that have made national headlines have typically involved previously healthy people who didn't think the conversation was relevant to them. Dr. Susan ...


Nurses need education on advance health care directives

An educational program for nurses can help address knowledge gaps related to advance health care directives (AHCDs)—thus helping to ensure that patients' wishes for care at the end of life are known and respected, reports ...


More elderly Americans completing advance directives

(HealthDay)—Over the past decade there has been a significant increase in the rate of completion of advance directives (ADs) among elderly Americans, according to research published online April 2 in the Journal of the ...


Record number of older adults completing living wills

A record number of elderly people are completing living wills to guide end-of-life medical treatments – up from 47 percent in 2000 to 72 percent in 2010 – according to new research from the University of Michigan and ...


NIH launches online resource for end-of-life issues

(HealthDay)—People grappling with terminal illness now have a new online source of advice and help, sponsored by the U.S. National Institute on Aging, part of the National Institutes of Health.

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