Obstetrics & gynaecology

Women's egg quality dependent on metabolic factors

Increasing the levels of a chemical found in all human cells could boost a woman's fertility and help select the best eggs for IVF, according to University of Queensland research.

Oncology & Cancer

Advanced nanotechnologies for diagnosing cancer

One promising area in the fight against cancer is the use of nanotechnology - the manipulation of matter at an atomic and molecular scale for specific medical aims.


Prying open the black box of the brain

The human brain is the most complex biological structure on Earth. It has about 100 billion neurons—each of which has thousands of connections to other neurons.


Two dads, one baby? Gene technique works in mice

For the first time in history, scientists have created mice with two dads, foretelling a day when same-sex couples may be able to have biological children of their own.

Radiology & Imaging

Exploring ferumoxytol: A new frontier in MRI contrast agents

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a cornerstone in the landscape of medical diagnostics, celebrated for its non-ionizing and non-invasive nature. With nearly 40% of MRI procedures requiring contrast agents for optimal sensitivity, ...

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