Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Distinguishing differences in dementia using brain scans

Neuroscientist Anne Hafkemeijer is able to distinguish two different forms of dementia using advanced imaging techniques. This is the first step towards early recognition of dementia in patients on the basis of brain networks.

Oncology & Cancer

Breast cancer: DMP is largely consistent with guidelines

On 16 July 2014 the German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) published the results of a literature search for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines on the treatment of people with breast cancer. ...


Opti-SPECT/PET/CT: Five different imaging systems now combined

Taking their pick, biomedical researchers can now conduct five different imaging studies in one scan with a state-of-the-art preclinical molecular imaging system that scientists unveiled during the Society of Nuclear Medicine ...

Oncology & Cancer

Molecular breast imaging protocol unmasks more cancer

Patients with advanced breast cancer that may have spread to their lymph nodes could benefit from a more robust dose of a molecular imaging agent called Tc-99m filtered sulfur colloid when undergoing lymphoscintigraphy, a ...

Oncology & Cancer

Self-referral spurs unnecessary MRI exams for patients

Patients having knee MRI examinations are significantly more likely to receive a negative finding if referred by physicians who have a financial interest in the imaging equipment being used, according to a study published ...

Oncology & Cancer

Advanced nanotechnologies for diagnosing cancer

One promising area in the fight against cancer is the use of nanotechnology - the manipulation of matter at an atomic and molecular scale for specific medical aims.

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