
The boy who cried wolf: Drug alerts in the ER

To prevent a single adverse drug event, one commercial electronic health record opioid warning system fired off 123 unnecessary and clinically inconsequential alerts, according to the results of a new study published online ...


Off-label prescription drug use and adverse drug events

Off-label use of prescription drugs was associated with adverse drug events in a study of patients in Canada, especially off-label use lacking strong scientific evidence, according to an article published online by JAMA Internal ...


Debate heats up over safety of electronic health records

Department of Health and Human Services officials said Tuesday that the safety benefits of electronic health records far outweigh any potential problems, but critics say regulators are pushing health care providers to use ...


Hospital safety improves for heart patients, study finds

(HealthDay)—Efforts to reduce "adverse events" that occur in the hospital appear to be taking hold for patients who've had a heart attack or those being treated for congestive heart failure, according to new research.

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