
Get the facts on exercise and chronic disease

If you have a chronic condition, you might have questions about exercising. How often can you exercise? Which exercises are safe? Understand the basics about exercise and chronic disease.


Relaxation and good sleep key to managing high blood pressure

Mindfulness practices such as meditation and yoga should be recommended to people with high blood pressure, according to a comprehensive review of lifestyle changes that can help prevent and manage the condition, co-authored ...


Pilates is beneficial adjunctive therapy in heart failure

(HealthDay)—Pilates exercises may be a beneficial adjunctive treatment for patients with heart failure, offering functional capacity improvements, according to a study published in the December issue of Cardiovascular Therapeutics.


One more 'player' on the pitch thanks to a new training method

"Mr Oxygen", as it is known by researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, is the "extra player" that is gained on the pitch thanks to their new system designed for elite footballers. The programme ...

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