Psychology & Psychiatry

Depression prevention better than cure

Eight out of ten Australians would radically change their risky behaviour if tests showed they had a genetic susceptibility to depression, a national study has found.


Prefer dry heat to arctic chill? Genetics might be the reason

(Medical Xpress)—While people in the East and Midwest have been suffering through an intense cold system drifting in from the Arctic, those in the Southwest have been enjoying beautiful, warm weather – and rubbing it ...


Improved caregiver training helps HIV-infected children

Children born with HIV can live longer and richer lives if their caregivers receive training in ways to enhance the children's development, according to research led by Michigan State University.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Do the seasons affect how we think?

When do you think more clearly: winter or summer? What time of year is your short-term memory at its best?

Psychology & Psychiatry

Q and A: Light therapy for seasonal affective disorder

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Once daylight saving time ends, I find it difficult as it gets darker earlier. I also notice that I get a bit more depressed in the winter. My friend suggested a light box for seasonal affective disorder. ...


Dopamine primes the brain for enhanced vigilance

Imagine a herd of deer grazing in the forest. Suddenly, a twig snaps nearby, and they look up from the grass. The thought of food is forgotten, and the animals are primed to respond to any threat that might appear.

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