
Staying healthy while getting older

A 70-year old is crossing the street when suddenly, as if from nowhere, a car sounds its horn. It has come to a stop just a metres away - no harm has been done. The 70-year old did not see the car until then. These are the ...


Genes for a longer, healthier life found

Out of a 'haystack' of 40,000 genes from three different organisms, scientists at ETH Zurich and a research consortium in Jena have found genes that are involved in physical ageing. If you influence only one of these genes, ...

Medical research

Eye's recycling process key to seeing color, bright light

As many of us learned in high school science class, the retina's rods and cones allow us to see. Rods are for night vision, and cones operate in bright light and allow us to distinguish colors. But although scientists have ...

Medical research

Scientists establish model of Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome

Scientists from A*STAR's Institute of Medical Biology (IMB) have successfully established a comprehensive model of rare accelerated ageing syndrome Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS), thereby opening up the possibility ...

Medical research

Researchers learn to measure aging process in young adults

Looking around at a 20th high school reunion, you might notice something puzzling about your classmates. Although they were all born within months of each other, these 38-year-olds appear to be aging at different rates.

Medical research

Cancer drug makes fruit flies live longer

Adult fruit flies given a cancer drug live 12% longer than average, according to a UCL-led study researching healthy ageing. The drug targets a specific cellular process that occurs in animals, including humans, delaying ...

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