
Advances in medulloblastoma treatment for children

Though rare, medulloblastoma is the most common cancerous brain tumor in children. These tumors begin in the lower back part of the brain called the cerebellum, which is important for balance, coordination and movement. Medulloblastomas ...

Oncology & Cancer

Are colon and rectal cancers treated differently?

Colorectal cancer is a term that combines both colon cancer and rectal cancers. The colon and rectum are two different parts of the lower digestive tract. These different cancers also mean different approaches to treatment ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Consumer Health: What is glioblastoma?

More than 14,490 people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with glioblastoma in 2023, according to the National Brain Tumor Society, and 10,000 people in the U.S. will die of the disease. The five-year survival rate is 6.9%, and ...

Oncology & Cancer

Genes reveal kidney cancer's risk of recurrence

Studying the mutations in kidney cancer after surgery could help to better predict the risk of the disease coming back, according to the latest results of a decade-long international study.

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