Advocates: HIV prevention pill could save lives

(AP) -- A pill to prevent HIV infection is already being given to some healthy people, but without government approval, it remains out of reach and too costly for many who need it.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Call for a new approach to fighting tuberculosis

Each year, nearly 2 million people die from tuberculosis – a treatable disease that has been brought under control in the United States, but continues to ravage other parts of the world. This health inequity should prompt ...


HIV drug can also protect injection drug users (Update)

Doctors should consider giving a daily AIDS drug to another high risk group to help prevent infections—people who shoot heroin, methamphetamines or other injection drugs, U.S. health officials said Wednesday.


Researchers partner to prevent and treat HIV and TB

Former South African president Nelson Mandela once emphasized that the war against AIDS could not be won without confronting the country's tuberculosis epidemic. For the last 16 years, a group of Yale researchers in the Yale ...


CDC: HIV spread high in young gay males

(AP)—Health officials say 1 in 5 new HIV infections occur in a tiny segment of the population—young men who are gay or bisexual.


South Africa rolls out new single dose AIDS drug

South Africa's health minister on Monday launched a new single dose anti-AIDs drug which will simplify the world's biggest HIV treatment regime to just one life-saving pill a day.


Russia has 'no anti-AIDS strategy', official says

There is no government strategy to fight the spread of AIDS in Russia, where the number of deaths caused by the disease continues to grow, a senior healthcare official said on Thursday.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Scientists hunt ways to stall Alzheimer's earlier

(AP) -- Look for a fundamental shift in how scientists hunt ways to ward off the devastation of Alzheimer's disease - by testing possible therapies in people who don't yet show many symptoms, before too much of the brain ...

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