FDA review favors first drug for HIV prevention (Update)

(AP) -- A pill that has long been used to treat HIV has moved one step closer to becoming the first drug approved to prevent healthy people from becoming infected with the virus that causes AIDS.


One in four U.S. HIV patients don't stay in care, study shows

(Medical Xpress) -- Only about 75 percent of HIV/AIDS patients in the United States remain in care consistently, according to new research from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania published online ...


Two-thirds of Myanmar HIV patients untreated: MSF

International funding cuts threaten to deepen an HIV crisis in Myanmar, where tens of thousands of people are denied lifesaving treatment, an aid agency said Wednesday.


China to hold first AIDS Walk on Great Wall

China is due to hold its first AIDS Walk -- a fundraising walkathon already popular in the US -- on the Great Wall, organisers said Wednesday, as the nation steps up its fight against the disease.


China expects 48,000 new HIV cases this year

(AP) -- China will have about 780,000 people infected with the AIDS virus by the end of this year, state media reported Wednesday, with most having contracted it through heterosexual sex.


Global Fund for world health halts new programs

(AP) -- The world's biggest financier in the fight against three killer diseases says it has run out of money to pay for new grant programs for the next two years - a situation likely to hit poor AIDS patients around the ...

Medical research

Robot legs helping stroke patients

(Medical Xpress) -- When it comes to recovering from a stroke, one of the major goals or rehabilitation is learning how to walk again. Researchers in the Netherlands are working with a prototype device called the LOwer Extremity ...


India patent case threatens cheap drug supply: MSF

Supply of cheap, copycat drugs for the developing world could be badly threatened if Swiss firm Novartis wins a challenge to India's patent law, medical charity MSF said on Monday.


Cryptococcus infections misdiagnosed in many AIDS patients

Most AIDS patients, when diagnosed with a fungal infection known simply as cryptococcosis, are assumed to have an infection with Cryptococcus neoformans, but a recent study from Duke University Medical Center suggests that ...

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