
Are your allergies ready to head off to college?

As you stare down your freshman year of college and contemplate living away from home, you're probably facing a few "firsts": First roommate who isn't a sibling; first time fending for yourself to make sure you're eating ...


How to protect yourself from wildfire smoke

The wildfire haze that is turning air quality in New England hazardous and New York City skies orange is an unusual event for the East Coast of the U.S.—but it may not be for long.


Deadly heat waves threaten older people as summer nears

Paramedics summoned to an Arizona retirement community last summer found an 80-year-old woman slumped inside her mobile home, enveloped in the suffocating 99-degree (37 C) heat she suffered for days after her air conditioner ...


Q and A: Exercise safety in cold weather

I work out at least three days per week at the gym, but I also like to exercise and run outside. Although I know better than to be outdoors in a winter storm, do you have any tips for exercising safely outdoors in cold weather?

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