Psychology & Psychiatry

Study identifies factors related to violence in veterans

A national survey identifies which U.S. military veterans may be at most risk of aggression after deployment and what strategies could potentially help reduce likelihood of violence when service members return home.


Why do Scots die younger?

Life expectancy in Scotland is markedly lower compared to other European nations and the UK as a whole. But what are the reasons for this higher mortality? An explanatory framework, synthesising the evidence is published ...


Impulsive alcoholics likely to die sooner

Alcohol and impulsivity are a dangerous mix: People with current drinking problems and poor impulse control are more likely to die in the next 15 years, a new study suggests. However, they could get by with a little help ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Alcohol fuels surge in chronic liver disease

Alcohol's popularity and its central place in socializing in Australia obscures the dangers of excessive drinking and possible liver disease, Flinders University experts warn.

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