
CDC: Heavy drinking a costly burden to US

(HealthDay)—Excessive drinking is a major economic problem in the United States, costing billions of dollars in health care costs, lost worker productivity and other consequences involved, the federal government reported ...


YouTube videos promote positive associations with alcohol use

"F**k it! Let's get to drinking - poison our livers!" According to researchers at the UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies, lyrics such as these in YouTube music videos may harmfully influence adolescents in Britain. ...


Drinkers support clearer labelling on alcohol products

New research led by the University of Bristol has found that drinkers support clearer labelling of alcohol products, including the provision of unit, calorie and health information, which would address current gaps in public ...


Broad support for alcohol pregnancy warning labels

A new study examining the levels of support of various alcohol control policies across seven countries including Australia, has found broad support for the proposition that alcohol products should carry pregnancy health warnings.

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