
Covid supply woes hit alcohol in the US

First it was computer chips, and now spirits: Global supply chain woes are shaping up as the party pooper in some parts of the United States.


Over-65s are frequent binge drinkers: US study

Binge drinking is more common in the United States than previously thought, particularly among young adults, though the most frequent offenders are over 65, said a US government study on Tuesday.


Cutting through the 'bull' of high-energy, high-alcohol drinks

(Medical Xpress) -- Caffeinated-alcoholic beverages (CABs) were banned from the U.S. market in November 2010 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which noted serious health incidents at university campuses. However, ...


Smoking cessation aide shows promise as alcoholism treatment

A medication commonly used to help people stop smoking may have an unanticipated positive side effect for an entirely different vice: drinking alcohol. A new study by University of Chicago researchers finds that varenicline, ...


Moderate drinking in later years may damage heart

Drinking two or more alcoholic beverages daily may damage the heart of elderly people, according to research in the American Heart Association journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging. The study correlated weekly alcohol ...

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