Psychology & Psychiatry

Alcohol makes smiles more 'contagious,' but only for men

Consuming an alcoholic beverage may make men more responsive to the smiles of others in their social group, according to new research in Clinical Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. ...


Researcher finds link between drinking patterns, alcohol 'vues'

(Medical Xpress)—The motivations for one to drink alcohol and patterns of future drinking can be related to the attentional narrowing – or zeroing-in – one has to a photograph of an alcoholic beverage, according to ...


A wine a day associated with lower risk of depression

Drinking wine in moderation may be associated with a lower risk of developing depression, according to research published in Biomed Central's open access journal BMC Medicine. The reported findings by the PREDIMED research ...


Young beer drinkers binge drink more frequently, study finds

Just under a third of young Swiss men prefer beer when they drink alcohol, taking in at least two thirds of their alcohol consumption in the form of the beverage. Far fewer (around five percent) prefer wine. Is there an association ...

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