Medical research

Liver-brain pathway may regulate alcohol consumption

In the largest study of its kind, UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers and colleagues in Europe identified a gene variant that suppresses the desire to drink alcohol.


Physical activity may offset some of alcohol's lethal harms

An international research collaboration, led by University of Sydney, has found that exercising at even basic recommended weekly physical activity levels (at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity) may offset some ...


Is moderate drinking really good for you?

Many people believe a glass of wine with dinner will help them live longer and healthier—but the scientific evidence is shaky at best, according to a new research analysis. The findings, published in the March 2016 issue ...


One in five over-65s who drink alcohol do so at unsafe levels

One in five older people who drink alcohol are consuming it at unsafe levels - over 21 units of alcohol for men and 14 units for women each week - according to a study by King's College London. The research in inner-city ...


Scientists link brain protein to binge-drinking behavior

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have discovered that a brain protein has a key role in controlling binge drinking in animal models. They found that deleting the gene for this protein in mice ramped up ...


Protein in the brain can 'put the brakes' on binge drinking

A new study led by University of North Carolina School of Medicine researchers has found that a naturally-occurring protein in the brain can act to suppress binge alcohol drinking, a major public health problem estimated ...


A gene mutation for excessive alcohol drinking found

UK researchers have discovered a gene that regulates alcohol consumption and when faulty can cause excessive drinking. They have also identified the mechanism underlying this phenomenon.

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