
Food allergy is linked to skin exposure and genetics

Infant and childhood food allergy, whose cause has long been a mystery, has now been linked to a mix of environmental and genetic factors that must coexist to trigger the allergy, reports a new Northwestern Medicine study.


How allergens trigger asthma attacks

A team of Inserm and CNRS researchers from the Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology have identified a protein that acts like a sensor detecting allergens in the respiratory tract that are responsible for asthma ...


Allergen chip identifies allergies in horses

An allergen microchip developed at the Medical University of Vienna can be used to identify allergic sensitisation in horses. This is the main finding of an international study recently published in leading journal Allergy. ...


Day-care centers have more allergens than homes

(HealthDay)—Mite, mouse, cat, and dog allergens are higher in day-care centers (DCCs) than in homes, according to a study published online Nov. 29 in Allergy.


New approach to predict respiratory allergy in early childhood

A new study in EBioMedicine by researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden and the Medical University of Vienna, Austria suggests that immune response in early childhood to a handful of allergen molecules can predict the ...


Allergens widespread in largest study of U.S. homes

Allergens are widespread, but highly variable in U.S. homes, according to the nation's largest indoor allergen study to date. Researchers from the National Institutes of Health report that over 90 percent of homes had three ...


Breast milk found to protect against food allergy

Eating allergenic foods during pregnancy can protect your child from food allergies, especially if you breastfeed, suggests new research from Boston Children's Hospital. The study, published online today in the Journal of ...

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