
Researchers warn of allergy risks from insect-based foods

James Cook University researchers say food derived from crickets and flies can cause allergic reactions in people with existing shellfish allergy—and this is not consistently picked up by currently available testing methods. ...


Preparing for an allergic reaction

Allergic reactions can range from irritating sneezing fits to life-threatening episodes. An allergy specialist with Baylor College of Medicine gives tips for preparing yourself and loved ones for allergic reactions.


An early start to spring allergies

Though it technically may still be winter, spring allergies in Houston are out in full force. An expert with Baylor College of Medicine gives an upcoming pollen and mold forecast and reviews how to properly use some allergy ...


Spring allergies have wide-ranging effects, say experts

Spring allergies bring to mind thoughts of stuffy noses and watery eyes. But allergies actually affect many different and interconnected systems within a person's body, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma ...

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An allergen is a nonparasitic antigen capable of stimulating a type-I hypersensitivity reaction in atopic individuals.

Most humans mount significant Immunoglobulin E (IgE) responses only as a defense against parasitic infections. However, some individuals mount an IgE response against common environmental antigens. This hereditory predisposition is called atopy. In atopic individuals, non-parasitic antigens stimulate inappropriate IgE production, leading to type I hypersensitivity. Sensitivities vary from one person to another and it is possible to be allergic to an extraordinary range of substances.

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