
Scientists identify new population of regulatory T-cells

When the mucosal surfaces in the lungs of healthy people come into contact with allergenic substances, so-called regulatory T cells also known as Treg cells, are activated. These are capable of actively preventing the development ...


Sublingual immunotherapy tablet safe in asthma patients

(HealthDay)—For individuals with asthma and allergic rhinitis with/without conjunctivitis (AR/C), treatment with a Timothy grass sublingual immunotherapy tablet (SLIT-tablet) seems safe, according to research published ...

Inflammatory disorders

Novel approach to treating asthma: Neutralize the trigger

Current asthma treatments can alleviate wheezing, coughing and other symptoms felt by millions of Americans every year, but they don't get to the root cause of the condition. Now, for the first time, scientists are reporting ...


For kids with both asthma and obesity, which came first?

For years, doctors have known that there is a link between childhood obesity and asthma, but have found it difficult to determine which condition tends to come first, or whether one causes the other.

Inflammatory disorders

Maternal stress during pregnancy linked to asthma risk in offspring

During pregnancy, many women make a concerted effort to keep stress levels low—and for good reason. Maternal stress has been linked to a number of negative outcomes for women and their infants, including developmental and ...

Inflammatory disorders

Researchers discover new potential antibody treatment for asthma

Researchers at St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton and McMaster University have successfully tested an antibody that can improve the quality of life for individuals with asthma by relieving inflammation in the lungs. The research ...

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