
US regulators OK genetically modified pig for food, drugs

U.S. regulators have approved a genetically modified pig for food and medical products, making it the second such animal to get the green light for human consumption. But the company behind it says there are no imminent plans ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

US panel endorses widespread use of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine

A U.S. government advisory panel endorsed widespread use of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine Thursday, putting the country just one step away from launching an epic vaccination campaign against the outbreak that has killed close ...


Specific bacterium in the gut linked to irritable bowel syndrome

Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have detected a connection between Brachyspira, a genus of bacteria in the intestines, and IBS—especially the form that causes diarrhea. Although the discovery needs confirmation ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Mothers pass on allergies to offspring, preclinical study shows

Mothers can pass allergies to offspring while they are developing in the womb, researchers from the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH) and Duke-NUS Medical School ...


Shingles vaccine: Should I get it?

Question: What are my options for the shingles vaccine? If I've already had shingles, should I get the vaccine so that I don't get shingles again?


Even cooked carrots can trigger allergic reactions

The consumption of raw carrots triggers allergic reactions in many people. Contrary to popular belief, cooked carrots can also have this effect. This was recently discovered by a research team at the University of Bayreuth. ...


Spike in new nut anaphylaxis in children at Halloween and Easter

A new study looking at the link between peanut and tree-nut anaphylaxis in children and holidays found spikes at Halloween and Easter. The study, published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) found that most were ...

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