
Marijuana: The allergen you never knew existed

Growing up, you may have been given reasons for not smoking marijuana. What you may not have heard is that marijuana, like other pollen-bearing plants, is an allergen which can cause allergic responses.


AAO-HNSF clinical practice guideline: Allergic rhinitis

The American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery Foundation addresses quality improvement opportunities in the diagnosis and management of allergic rhinitis in a new multi-disciplinary, evidence-based clinical ...


State-of-the-science help for hay fever sufferers

Sublingual immunotherapy is one of several state-of-the-science treatments for allergic rhinitis, or "hay fever," being recommended by a panel of experts in a new guideline published Feb. 2, 2015, by the American Academy ...


Sublingual immunotherapy tablet safe in asthma patients

(HealthDay)—For individuals with asthma and allergic rhinitis with/without conjunctivitis (AR/C), treatment with a Timothy grass sublingual immunotherapy tablet (SLIT-tablet) seems safe, according to research published ...


Basophil reactivity to allergens varies by time of day

(HealthDay)—Circadian variations in gene expression may contribute to temporal variations in the symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis, according to research published online Dec. 2 in Allergy.

Medical research

Key step in allergic reactions revealed

By studying the mode of action of the interleukin-33 protein, an alarmin for white blood cells, a team at the Institut de Pharmacologie et de Biologie Structurale (IPBS - CNRS/Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier) has ...

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