
Don't let fall allergies leave you in the cold

As the cooler weather moves in, the potential for fall allergies increases. One University of Alabama at Birmingham ear, nose and throat specialist says taking the right precautions and being aware of the causes can significantly ...


Allergy relief do's and don'ts

(HealthDay)—As the seasons change, more and more people are sneezing because of allergies. And the numbers are rising, with those in urban areas particularly affected, according to the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head ...


Pollen may impair pupils' performance

Spring is exam time – and pollen season. It's also a bad combination for pupils suffering from pollen allergies, or hay fever.


Ready for spring allergies?

(HealthDay)—Spring routinely spells misery for allergy sufferers, but a recent survey reveals that most patients don't try to manage their symptoms until it's too late.


Welcome spring and still survive your allergies

(HealthDay)—If you have seasonal allergies, the arrival of spring on Monday is probably less about warmth and flowers and more about itchy eyes and congestion.


Seasonal allergies could change your brain

Hay fever may do more than give you a stuffy nose and itchy eyes, seasonal allergies may change the brain, says a study published in the open-access journal Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience.


Pollen allergies have increased among Swedish adults

The prevalence of pollen allergies among adults in Sweden has increased. However, the prevalence of allergies to furred animals, mites or mold has not. These were the results of a new study at Sahlgrenska Academy.

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