
Study examines increase in calls to emergency services

As calls to emergency services increase, there is an urgent need for a reliable and consistent method of measuring whether or not these calls are appropriate. These are the findings from a University of Bristol study, published ...


Australian pain-killer switch affects hundreds

Hundreds of Australians were given water instead of pain-killing medication after thieves siphoned off the drugs from ambulance supplies and refilled the empty vials from the tap, officials said Tuesday.


India's emergency care system in tatters

(AP)—After a motorbike accident, Bharat Singh rushed to get his brother the emergency care he needed. It would end up taking five hours—three of them spent in a van posing as an ambulance, with an empty oxygen tank and ...


ER overcrowding hurts minorities in California

Hospitals in areas with large minority populations are more likely to be overcrowded and to divert ambulances, delaying timely emergency care, according to a multi-institutional study focused on California.


Dying of cold: Hypothermia in trauma victims

Hypothermia in trauma victims is a serious complication and is associated with an increased risk of dying. A new study published in BioMed Central's open access journal Critical Care has found that the key risk factor was ...


True cost of alcohol related ambulance call-outs revealed

New research has revealed the true cost of ambulance call-outs to deal with drink fuelled incidents. The study, by Newcastle University experts, working with the North East Ambulance service (NEAS) and the North East Alcohol ...

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