Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Why Black Americans are at higher risk of chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease is a condition where your kidneys lose their ability to filter waste and fluid from your blood. This can lead to serious health problems such as heart disease, stroke and kidney failure.


New pathways open for female reproductive health care

Two important new avenues have opened up for women to access reproductive health care medications. Several high-profile retailers merit commendation for their contributing role. Their involvement is an example of conscientious ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

If you're poor, fertility treatment can be out of reach

Mary Delgado's first pregnancy went according to plan, but when she tried to get pregnant again seven years later, nothing happened. After 10 months, Delgado, now 34, and her partner, Joaquin Rodriguez, went to see an OB-GYN. ...


Social inequity linked to lower use of epidural in childbirth

In a study of women in labor in the U. S., social inequity was associated with lower use of neuraxial analgesia—an epidural or spinal pain reliever— among non-Hispanic white women and, to a greater extent, among African ...

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