
In Iraq war, a revolution in battlefield medicine

The Iraq war ushered in dramatic advances in battlefield medicine, with the effects of homemade bombs leading the US military to radically change how it treats wounded soldiers.

Psychology & Psychiatry

War veterans say meditation could solve PTSD

US war veterans on Monday suggested meditation to help heal the post-war mental disturbances that afflict a growing number of American soldiers, including possibly the ex-Marine who gunned down the country's most famous sniper ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychiatric ills widespread among US soldiers, studies say

(HealthDay)—Three new studies suggest that a sizeable percentage of American soldiers suffer from some type of mental health issue, at rates higher than those seen in the general population.


As pot goes proper, a history of weed

(AP)—The grass is no greener. But, finally, it's legal—at least somewhere in America. It's been a long, strange trip for marijuana.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Justifying wartime atrocities alters memories

Stories about wartime atrocities and torture methods, like waterboarding and beatings, often include justifications – despite whether the rationale is legitimate.