
Diabetes wellness visits reduce risk of amputation, study finds

Patients with diabetes who participate in a free Annual Wellness Visit covered by Medicare are 36% less likely to need an amputation, a new study from University of Virginia School of Medicine researchers and their collaborators ...

Biomedical technology

Study sheds light on why wounds often heal poorly in diabetics

When tiny particles called exosomes, which shuttle signals between cells, are defective in diabetic patients, they can drive inflammation and impair healing of wounds, according to a new Nano Today study led by University ...


Diabetes drug gets FDA warning due to amputation risk

(HealthDay)—The type 2 diabetes prescription drug canagliflozin (brand names Invokana, Invokamet, Invokamet XR) appears to increase the risk of leg and foot amputations, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration says.


Amputees found to shy away from prosthetics

Local researchers have predicted several points in time in which lower-limb amputees may stop using their prostheses after they are discharged from rehab.


Medicare's bill for artificial feet is questioned

(AP) -- It doesn't compute: Medicare's bill for artificial feet has jumped by more than half, although foot and leg amputations due to diabetes continue to decline dramatically.

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