Medical research

Genome engineering paves the way for sickle cell cure

A team of physicians and laboratory scientists has taken a key step toward a cure for sickle cell disease, using CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing to fix the mutated gene responsible for the disease in stem cells from the blood of ...


Scientists discover important genetic source of human diversity

Researchers at Harvard Medical School and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute report that humans have a surprisingly high number of genes in which one of two copies has been randomly silenced. They suggest that the phenomenon is ...

Medical research

Gene fuels age-related obesity and diabetes

Practically everyone gets fatter as they get older, but some people can blame their genes for the extra padding. Researchers have shown that two different mutations in a gene called ankyrin-B cause cells to suck up glucose ...

Medical research

A good night's sleep keeps your stem cells young

In a study just published in the journal Nature, scientists at the Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Heidelberg and at the Institute for Stem Cell Technology and Experimental Medicine have uncovered that environmental stress ...

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