
Watching atherosclerosis as it develops

Researchers at the University of Tübingen have developed a new method to better study atherosclerosis in mice. The non-invasive imaging method helps to better understand and treat narrowing of blood vessels, a cause of heart ...

Medical research

Q&A: Why you should publish negative data

As a bachelor student of Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences, Femke Vlaswinkel wrote a research proposal she was allowed to carry out in her master's BPS. Femke subsequently graduated with honors. Her research was published in the ...

Medical research

A new cell model for the human lung

Before new drugs can be tested in animal experiments and later in clinical trials, they must undergo a large number of laboratory tests. This involves the use of so-called cell lines, i.e., human or animal cells of a specific ...

Medical research

An artificial tissue restores erectile function in pigs

Scientists have developed a synthetic tissue that repairs injuries and restores normal erectile function in a pig model, in a study publishing January 4 in the journal Matter. The findings suggest that the artificial tunica ...

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