Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Genetic mutations not behind monkeypox spread, virologist says

The current monkeypox outbreak is moving faster than any in recent history, but Washington State University virologist Heather Koehler does not see a reason for the rapid spread in the virus itself.

Biomedical technology

New artificial skin functions like natural skin

Researchers at the RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research (BDR) have developed an improved human-skin equivalent that reproduces traction-force balance in the lateral direction, a property that controls the structure ...

Medical research

Wild animals allow new insights into the skin microbiome

In recent decades, under the harmful influence of western lifestyles, the diversity of the microbial colonization of the body has decreased significantly. This 'impoverished' microbiome has led to a sharp increase in so-called ...

Oncology & Cancer

How skin cancer cells sidestep the immune system

Researchers at the Mainz University Medical Center have discovered a new signal pathway employed by skin cancer cells to avoid attack by the immune system. In an animal model and through analysis of human tissue samples, ...

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