Psychology & Psychiatry

Behavioural implications of elevated levels of testosterone

Levels of testosterone naturally rise in certain situations. A hard workout could be a culprit. Preparing for, or winning, a competition is well known to elevate levels of the hormone. Sexual encounters provide a boost, as ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The psychology of closure – and why some need it more than others

Imagine your partner unexpectedly changes their Facebook status from "in a relationship" to "single" and then refuses to communicate with you. This sounds awfully cruel, completely robbing you of your right to find out why ...


Scientists produce human norepinephrine neurons from stem cells

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison have identified a protein key to the development of a type of brain cell believed to play a role in disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases and used the discovery ...


Approach that new gene testing kit with caution

(HealthDay)—Lots of Americans will unwrap a scarf or sweater this holiday season. But a growing number will receive a gift that's potentially life-changing: an at-home genetic testing kit.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Q and A: Importance of a birth plan

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I'm expecting my first baby and feeling a range of emotions, from anticipation to apprehension, for labor and delivery. A friend suggested that I create a birth plan to identify my wishes for labor and after ...


Keeping aging brains healthy—lessons from genes

Do any genes protect against Alzheimer's disease? And do any predispose a person to its ravages? The answer is yes to both, according to work led by U of M researcher Lisa James.

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