Psychology & Psychiatry

Suicidality test being brought to market

The new test, based on research carried out at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, should help doctors to decrease the risk of suicidality in patients treated with antidepressants who show certain gene markers. Sundance ...


Program helps seniors drive more safely

For the seventh consecutive year, the Training, Research and Education for Driving Safety (TREDS) program at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine has been awarded a grant from the California Office of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Intervention does not improve depression symptoms

Among depressed patients evaluated in a primary care setting, use of an interactive multimedia computer program immediately prior to a primary care visit resulted in the increased receipt of antidepressant prescription recommendation, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A potential new class of fast-acting antidepressant

More than 1 in 10 Americans take antidepressants, but these medications can take weeks—and for some patients, months—before they begin to alleviate symptoms. Now, scientists from the University of Chicago have discovered ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New treatment hope for menopausal depression

A trial involving middle-aged Australian women is investigating the use of a hormone treatment for symptoms of menopausal depression.


Quitting smoking: Licensed medications are effective

Nicotine replacement therapy and other licensed drugs can help people quit smoking, according to a new systematic review published in The Cochrane Library. The study, which is an overview of previous Cochrane reviews, supports ...

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