Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds depression in millennials on the rise

New research, conducted by the University of Liverpool and University College London, has found that young people today are more likely to be depressed and to self-harm than they were 10 years ago, but antisocial behaviour ...


Are you genetically predisposed to antisocial behavior?

Both positive and negative experiences influence how genetic variants affect the brain and thereby behaviour, according to a new study. "Evidence is accumulating to show that the effects of variants of many genes that are ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why parents should never spank children

Spanking —usually defined as hitting a child on the buttocks with an open hand —is a common form of discipline still used on children worldwide. However, to date, spanking has been banned in 53 countries and states ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychopathic violent offenders' brains can't understand punishment

Psychopathic violent offenders have abnormalities in the parts of the brain related to learning from punishment, according to an MRI study led by Sheilagh Hodgins and Nigel Blackwood. "One in five violent offenders is a psychopath. ...

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