
Most primary care pediatricians appropriately prescribing SSRIs

Primary care pediatricians (PCPs) who prescribe selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for children with anxiety and/or depression generally document appropriate indications for starting medication and prescribe ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Seniors with anxiety frequently don't get help. Here's why

Anxiety is the most common psychological disorder affecting adults in the U.S. In older people, it's associated with considerable distress as well as ill health, diminished quality of life, and elevated rates of disability.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Researchers develop blood test for anxiety

Researchers from Indiana University School of Medicine have successfully developed a blood test for anxiety. The test examines biomarkers that can help them objectively determine someone's risk for developing anxiety, the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How to deal with anxiety

It's natural for everyone to experience anxiety at different times in their lives. Maybe you're worried about making a good first impression with your new partner's family, and you become anxious in the days leading up to ...

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