
Court appears poised keep blocking abortion rules

A federal appeals court questioned the constitutionality of the nation's strictest restrictions on the use of abortion drugs, a month after putting the Arizona rules on hold.


Validity of Obama health care law at issue in appeal hearing

An appeals court was to hear arguments Tuesday on whether Congress effectively invalidated former President Barack Obama's entire signature health care law when it zeroed out the tax imposed on those who chose not to buy ...


Other legal challenges to health overhaul remain

If you thought the legal fight over the health care overhaul was finally over, think again. At least four issues related to the Affordable Care Act still are being sorted out in the courts, although none seems to pose the ...


US appeals court deals blow to health law

(AP)—President Barack Obama's health care law is snared in another big legal battle after two federal appeals courts issued contradictory rulings on a key financing issue Tuesday.


US judge blocks enforcement of new abortion law

A federal judge has temporarily blocked Louisiana from enforcing its restrictive new abortion law. But lawyers and advocates appeared to disagree about whether the judge's order affects doctors at all five abortion clinics ...


Appeals court upholds restaurant salt warning

(HealthDay)—An Empire State appeals court has upheld the New York City health department rule that requires restaurants to warn customers about menu items that exceed the 2,300 mg daily recommended sodium limit, according ...

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