Inflammatory disorders

Obesity: How inflammation influences appetite

Sustained low-grade inflammation and an above-average appetite are commonly found in obese individuals. Therefore, it seems counterintuitive that the acute inflammation associated with many illnesses normally suppresses appetite. ...


ASH: People with hypertension prefer higher salt taste

(HealthDay)—People with hypertension have a taste for more salt in their food than do individuals with normotension, according to a study presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Hypertension, held from ...

Oncology & Cancer

Oral melatonin has no effect on appetite in advanced cancer

(HealthDay)—Oral melatonin does not improve appetite, weight, or quality of life for patients with cachexia due to advanced cancer, according to research published online Feb. 25 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

Medical research

Eat too much? Maybe it's in the blood

Bone marrow cells that produce brain-derived eurotrophic factor (BDNF), known to affect regulation of food intake, travel to part of the hypothalamus in the brain where they "fine-tune" appetite, said researchers from Baylor ...


Factors affecting weight loss after abdominoplasty identified

(HealthDay)—For patients undergoing abdominoplasty, weight loss is associated with having a preoperative body mass index ≥24.5 kg/m² and is attributed to increased satiety in most patients, according to a study published ...

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