Medical research

Brain cells that aid appetite control identified

It's rare for scientists to get what they describe as "clean" results without spending a lot of time repeating the same experiment over and over again. But when researchers saw the mice they were working with doubling their ...


Does exercise help or hinder your diet?

(HealthDay)—Dieters sometimes worry that workouts could make them hungry, but new research indicates exercise has the opposite effect, diminishing the appetite—at least temporarily.


Study shows exercise does curb your hunger

Scientists at Loughborough University have found exercising is more effective than food restriction in helping limit daily calorie consumption.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Comfort food leads to 'Kummerspeck'

People who overeat when they are depressed should be treated differently than those who lose their appetite. And eating while happy does not lead to weight gain.

Medical research

Gut microbes signal to the brain when they are full

Don't have room for dessert? The bacteria in your gut may be telling you something. Twenty minutes after a meal, gut microbes produce proteins that can suppress food intake in animals, reports a study published November 24 ...

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