
Seven ways to feel full without overeating

Not feeling full after or between meals can result in overeating. In the October issue of Food Technology magazine published by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), contributing editor Linda Milo Ohr writes about studies ...


An appetite for life

A simple question about appetite can provide insights into old people's general health that may help reduce their risk of dying.


How can I control my appetite?

James M. Greenblatt, an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the Tufts School of Medicine and author of "Answers to Appetite Control," offers his advice.

Medical research

Testing a paleo diet hypothesis in the test tube

By comparing how gut microbes from human vegetarians and grass-grazing baboons digest different diets, researchers have shown that ancestral human diets, so called "paleo" diets, did not necessarily result in better appetite ...

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